Besides our young adults who reside permanently at the Home of Tenderness, we welcome others during the weekends. The aim is to give them space, be with their friends, and allow the family to rest.

Isn't everyone of us

a masterpiece of the Love of God?

Isn't each one's life a sacred story

written in the heart of the Living God?

Stephanie T.


Always smiling, Stephanie loves to be pampered and appreciates a lot the nature and the beautiful music.

Elias Z.


He loves to dance! For Elias, go in an outing, and spend beautiful time with friends at Anta Akhi are things he loves to do.

Elias B. Z.


Very sensitive and discrete, Elias attracts everyone by his smile and his devotion in prayer.



Marie O.


Marie can't see or hear, she is very limited in her autonomy. Yet, she recognizes people who stay around her to help her.



Christine A.


Good at painting and the choice of colors, she makes beautiful paintings! She can not speak, but her mischievous look expresses her deep intelligence!

Guy A. Z.


Guy doesn't talk; he loves music and is so happy when friends are around.

Christopher M.


Very calm, and always smiling; Christopher can't talk. What he loves most? A big hug!